301 Moody Ave. S.W., Carrollton, OH 44615 330-627-4866 Confidential Fax 330-627-3040

Safe Sleep and Cribs for Kids

Cribs 4 Kids

Every year in the United States, approximately 4,000 infant deaths occur due to accidental suffocation, asphyxia, or undetermined causes during sleep. According to the Ohio Department of Health, every week in Ohio, 3 babies die in unsafe sleep environments.​

To see if you qualify, please call 330-627-4866 Ext: 1530

The Carroll County General Health District holds Cribs for Kids® classes by appointment for those eligible where they receive a Pack-N-Play and sleep sack. Providing a safe sleep environment is one of the most important steps to preventing SIDS and sleep related asphyxia. The Cribs for Kids® program provides education and a Pack-N-Play to those families in need of a safe sleep environment for their infant.

Cribs for Kids Logo

*Images from cribsforkids.org

CCGHD Provides

Baby Sleep Safe participants will receive:

  • Safe Sleep Education
  • Safe Sleep Kits; which may include a:
    • Portable Crib
    • Fitted sheet
    • Sleep sack
    • Pacifier

Eligibility Requirements

  • Carroll County Resident
  • 3rd Trimester or child less than 1 year old
  • Eligible for WIC Services or Medicaid (Do not need to be currently enrolled)